Quiz on 27th December 2017 Current affairs

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Q 1)Atal Innovation Mission (AIM) has selected additional 1500 Schools for the establishment of ATLs,What is the fullform of ATL ?

Q 2) Who has inaugrated the AP Fibre Grid Project ?

Q 3)Who has been named PETA's Person of the Year ?

Q 4) Which state government is setting up Automatic service ATMs named ‘E-Mitra Plus’ ?

Q 5)Which country's first eco-friendly thermal power plant construction has started by a Chinese consortium ?

Q 6)Robbie Malinga passed away , He is an eminent _______.

Q 7)Union Home Ministry has released Rs 167 crore for border development under BADP for ___ states.

Q 8) Agri service solutions provider Sohan Lal Commodity Management (SLCM) and Myanmar ties up with _______ and ______ banks.

Q 9) Who has named the top-grossing actor of 2017 by Forbes ?

Q 10) Which country is hosting a world chess tournament for the first time ?

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